Physical Education
The Physical Education (PE) Department is committed to promoting the national vision of having physically competent individuals who are active in their daily lives. To achieve this goal, the PE programme is designed to instil resilience and a lifelong passion for physical activity in our students. By participating in our PE programme, our students can enjoy improved physical and mental well-being, develop sportsmanship and teamwork, and cultivate a lifelong passion for physical activity.
Key Programmes
In accordance with the updated PE curriculum, we provide our students with a diverse range of physical activities for their PE lessons. With at least one sport from each category of net-barrier, striking-fielding, and territorial-invasion, our students can participate in a variety of sports, including but not limited to Badminton, Basketball, Football, Frisbee, Handball, Softball, Swimming, and Volleyball. This approach enables our students to experience a range of sports and develop various physical and cognitive skills. All these sports that the students learn will culminate in intra-class, inter-class or inter-house games. This promotes self-monitoring and peer-evaluation (where appropriate) to encourage responsibility for one’s own learning, and to support the learning of others in an authentic context.